Candidate’s Auction

November 29th, 2021

Candidate’s Auction

2021-11-29 12:00

Speaking of elections: The number two on the Bruce Clarke Action Group ticket is Julie Meldrum who will be having a busy week. The Byron Bay-based former journalist and diplomat is not only hitting the hustings but is also going to auction at the same time.

Three days after local polls close, Meldrum and her husband, former TV producer Murray Millsom, are set to auction their home in Ewingsdale for $8 million.

Meldrum’s own housing is no slouch in the local high-end stakes. The 1.1-hectare Aamari Estate was developed by Meldrum and Millsom with a Bali-style main residence set in landscaped gardens with a pool and cabana, a self-contained studio and a separate villa with a private outdoor spa. Kollosche’s Kim Jones and Karin Heller have the listing.

17 Magnolia Place, Ewingsdale

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