Pete Evans Commune

August 30th, 2021

Pete Evans Commune

2021-08-30 01:53

Celebrity chef and well-known anti-vaxxer, Pete Evans is working with developers on a large Rural Land Sharing Community development in Tweed Heads. The proposal has had a setback with Tweed Council. The Nightcap Village was seeking to create nearly 400 dwelling plots. The site is 1,500 hectares of rural land at 3220 Kyogle-Nimbin Road, near Mebbin at the foot of Wollumbin-Mt Warning.

The project would roll out over 12 stages and cost an estimated $39.8 million for stage one. Evans seems to be a spruiker for the project and is developing his own wellness retreat near Uki. The Nightcap Village website says he is in a “long-term commercial arrangement” with the project developers.

Many locals spoke out against the DA at the recent hearing. “(It) would require extensive land clearing of approximately 106 hectares of native vegetation with a further 220 hectares of impact in native populations,” a Department of Planning, Industry and Environment biodiversity and habitat management assessment found.

The Nightcap Village website promotes the community as a way of getting “back to the tribal wisdom of living in harmony with Mother Nature as well as the fundamental lore of Doing No Harm.”

ABC article


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